Para ler na íntegra os estudo científicos, clique no título azul e sublinhado que o documento abrirá em uma nova aba. Os estudos foram feitos no exterior, portanto estarão em inglês.
Português: "Um enxerto sintético bioativo reabsorvível para reconstrução previsível de implantes: parte um"
A Synthetic Bioactive Resorbable Graft For Predictable Implant Reconstruction: Part One
Valen M, Ganz SD: "A Synthetic Bioactive Resorbable Graft For Predicatble Implant Reconstruction: Part One" J Oral Implantology, 28(4):167-177, 2002.
"Procedimentos previsíveis de enxerto ósseo sintético para reconstrução de implantes: parte dois"
Predictable Synthetic Bone Grafting Procedures For Implant Reconstruction: Part Two
Valen M, Ganz SD: "Predictable Synthetic Bone Grafting Procedures For Implant Reconstruction: Part Two" J Oral Implantology, 28(4):178-183, 2002.
"Um estudo longitudinal de 10 anos de 160 implantes instalados simultaneamente em maxilas posteriores severamente atróficas enxertadas com osso autógeno e um enxerto sintético bioativo reabsorvível"
A 10 Year Longitudinal Study of 160 Implants Simultaneously Installed in Severely Atrophic Posterior Maxillas Grafted With Autogenous Bone and a Synthetic Bioactive Resorbable Graft
Marcelo C. Manso, DDS, MScD,PhD, and Thomas Wassal, DDS, MSc, PhD "A 10 Year Longitudinal Study of 160 Implants Simultaneously Installed in Severely Atrophic Posterior Macillas Grafted With Autogenous Bone and a Synthetic Bioactive Resorbable Graft" Implant Dentistry 19(4); 351 - 360, 2010.
"Derivado ósseo de hidroxiapatita não cerâmica em procedimentos de aumento de seios."
Nonceramic hydroxylapatite bone derivative in sinus augmentation procedures
Artzi Z, Nemcovsky CE and Dayan D: "Nonceramic hydroxylapatite bone derivative in sinus augmentation procedures: Clinical and histomorphometric observations in 10 consecutive cases." Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 23:381-389, 2003.
"Efeito de uma hidroxiapatita cerâmica e não cerâmica no crescimento celular e síntese de procolágeno de fibroblastos gengivais humanos cultivados"
Effect of a ceramic and non-ceramic hydroxylapatite on cell growth and procollagen synthesis of cultured human gingival fibroblasts
Ruano R, Jaeger RG and Jaeger MMM: "Effect of a ceramic and non-ceramic hydroxylapatite on cell growth and procollagen synthesis of cultured human gingival fibroblasts." J Periodontol, 71(4):540-545, 2000.
"Hidroxiapatita sintética bio-reabsorvível tratada com flúor promove a proliferação e diferenciação de células osteoblásticas MG-63 humanas
Flouride-Treated Bio-Resorbable Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Promotes Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Osteoblastic MG-63 Cells
Ohno, M., et al., "Flouride-treated bio-resorbable synthetic nonceramic hydroxyapatite promotes proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblastic MG-63 cells." J Oral Implantology, 39(2): p. 154-60, 2013.
"Um tratamento alternativo para o defeito infra-ósseo periodontal: um bioativo sintético."
An Alternative Treatment for the Periodontal Infrabony Defect: A Synthetic Bioactive.
Epstein SR and Valen M: "An Alternative Treatment for the Periodontal Infrabony Defect: A Synthetic Bioactive Resorbable Composite Graft." Dentistry Today, 25(2):92-97, 2006.
"Comparação entre uma técnica convencional e duas técnicas de regeneração óssea em cirurgia perirradicular."
Comparison between a conventional technique and two bone regeneration techniques in periradicular surgery.
Tobon SI, Arismendi A, Marin ML, Mesa AL, Valencia JA: "Comparison between a conventional technique and two bone regeneration techniques in periradicular surgery." Int Endodontic Journal, 35:635-641, 2002.
"Tratamento da peri-implantite usando regeneração óssea guiada e enxertos ósseos, isoladamente ou em combinação, em cães beagle."
Treatment of peri-implantitis using guided bone regeneration and bone grafts, alone or in combination, in beagle dogs.
Hurzeler M.B., Quinones C.R., Morrison E.C., Caffesse R.G.: "Treatment of peri-implantitis using guided bone regeneration and bone grafts, alone or in combination, in beagle dogs. Part I: Clinical findings and histologic observations." Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 10:474-484, 1995.
"Tratamento da peri-implantite usando regeneração óssea guiada e enxertos ósseos, isoladamente ou em combinação, em cães beagle. Parte II: Achados histológicos."
Treatment of peri-implantitis using guided bone regeneration and bone grafts, alone or in combination, in beagle dogs. Part II: Histologic findings.
Hurzeler MB, Quinones CR, Morrison EC, Caffesse RG: "Treatment of peri-implantitis using guided bone regeneration and bone grafts, alone or in combination, in beagle dogs. Part II: Histologic findings." Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 12:168-175, 199
"Sucesso a longo prazo do aumento do seio usando várias abordagens cirúrgicas e materiais de enxerto."
Long-term success of sinus augmentation using various surgical approaches and grafting materials.
Fugazzotto PA and Vlassis J: "Long-term success of sinus augmentation using various surgical approaches and grafting materials." Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 13(1);52-58, 1998.
"Avaliação a longo prazo da sobrevivência do implante em seios aumentados: uma série de casos."
Long-term evaluation of implant survival in augmented sinuses: a case series.
Yamamichi N, Itose, Neiva R, and Wand HL: 'Long-term evaluation of implant survival in augmented sinuses: a case series." Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 28(2):163-169, 2008.
"O procedimento de elevação do seio maxilar: uma alternativa ao implante subperiosteal maxilar."
The sinus lift procedure: An alternative to the maxillary subperiosteal implant.
Vassos DM and Petrik PK: "The sinus lift procedure: An alternative to the maxillary subperiosteal implant. " Pract Perio and Aesthetic Dent,. 4:14-19, 1992.
"Avaliação de um material de implante particulado de fosfato de cálcio de baixa temperatura: Propriedades físico-químicas e resposta óssea in vivo."
Evaluation of a low-temperature calcium phosphate particulate implant material: Physical-chemical properties and in vivo bone response.
Ricci JL, Blumenthal NC, Spivak JM and Alexander H: "Evaluation of a low-temperature calcium phosphate particulate implant material: Physical-chemical properties and in vivo bone response." J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 50:969-978, 1992.
"Um novo modelo canino para avaliar a resposta biológica do osso intramedular a materiais e superfícies de implantes."
A new canine model to evaluate the biological response of intramedullary bone to implant materials and surfaces.
Spivak JM, Ricci JL, Blumenthal NC and Alexander H: "A new canine model to evaluate the biological response of intramedullary bone to implant materials and surfaces." J Biomed. Mater Research, 24:1121-1149, 1990.
"Análise ultraestrutural da formação óssea em conexão com OsteoGen®."
Ultrastructural analysis of bone formation in connection with OsteoGen®.
Lopez Valenzuela C, Manzur E Javer, Arroyo Palacios S, Oyarzun Droguett A: "Ultrastructural analysis of bone formation in connection with OsteoGen®." Periodon Implantol Av, 14(1): 29-36, 2002
"Estudo de caso clínico e histológico utilizando hidroxilapatita reabsorvível para reparo de defeitos ósseos prévios à cirurgia de implante endoósseo."
A clinical and histological case stdy using resorbable hydoxylapatite for the repair of osseous defects prior to endosseous implant surgery.
Wagner JR: "A clinical and histological case stdy using resorbable hydoxylapatite for the repair of osseous defects prior to endosseous implant surgery." J Oral Implantology, 15(3): 186-192, 1989.
"Resposta histológica e avaliação clínica de materiais de heteroenxerto e aloenxerto na elevação do seio macxilar para preparo de sítios de implantes dentários endosteais. Seio simultâneo"
Histological response and clinical evaluation of heterograft and allograft materials in the elevation of the macxillary sinus for the preparation of endosteal dental implants sites. Simultaneous sinus
Whittaker JM, James RA, Lozada J, Cordova C and GaRey DJ: "Histological response and clinical evaluation of heterograft and allograft materials in the elevation of the macxillary sinus for the preparation of endosteal dental implants sites. Simultaneous sinus elevation and root form implantation: An eight-month autopsy report." J Oral Implantology, 15(2): 141-144, 1989.
"Uma avaliação clínica da hidroxiapatita reabsorvível para o reparo de defeitos ósseos antes da cirurgia de implante endósseo."
A clinical evaluation of resorbable hydroxylapatite for the repair of osseous defects prior to endosseous implant surgery.
Corsair A: "A clinical evaluation of resorbable hydroxylapatite for the repair of osseous defects prior to endosseous implant surgery." J Oral Implantology, 15(3): 186-192, 1989.
"Alargamento da crista para a maxila fina: um relato clínico."
Ridge widening for the thin maxilla: A clinical report.
Duncan JM and Westwood RM: "Ridge widening for the thin maxilla: A clinical report." Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 12: 224-227, 1997.
"Aumento do elevador do seio para facilitar a colocação de implantes não submersos: um relatório clínico e histológico."
Sinus lift augmentation to facilitate placement of nonsubmerged implants: A clinical and histological report.
Vlassis JM, Hurzeler MB and Quinones CR: "Sinus lift augmentation to facilitate placement of nonsubmerged implants: A clinical and histological report." Pract Perio and Aesthetic Dent, 5: 15-23, 1993.
"Uma avaliação clínica de 3 anos e meio da hidroxiapatita reabsorvível OsteoGen® (HA Resorb)® usada para aumentos de elevação do seio maxilar em conjunto com a inserção de implantes endósseos."
A 3½ year clinical evaluation of resorbable hydroxylapatite OsteoGen® (HA Resorb)® used for sinus lift augmentations in conjunction with the insertion of endosseous implants.
Wagner JR: "A 3½ year clinical evaluation of resorbable hydroxylapatite OsteoGen® (HA Resorb)® used for sinus lift augmentations in conjunction with the insertion of endosseous implants." J Oral Implantology, 17(2): 152-164, 1991.
"Procedimentos protéticos de implante para um paciente completamente edêntulo com fissura palatina"
Implant prosthodontic procedures for a completely edentulous patient with cleft palate
Lefkove MD, Matheny B and Silverstein L: "Implant prosthodontic procedures for a completely edentulous patient with cleft palate." J Oral Implantology, Vol.20 No.1, 82-87, 1994.
"Gerenciamento de problemas e infecções relacionadas a implantes."
Management of implant-related problems and infections.
Linkow LI and Wagner RJ: "Management of implant-related problems and infections." J of Oral Implantology, 29(4): 321-335, 1993.
"Um procedimento acelerado para aumentar o cume aveolar"
An Expedited Procedure for Augmenting the Aveolar Ridge
David M. Vassos, DDS: "An Expedited Procedure for Augmenting the Aveolar Ridge" 2007
Valen Flexi Cup
Valen M: The relationship between endosteal implant design and function: Maximum stress distribution with computer-formed three-dimensional Flexi-Cup blades. J. of Oral Implantol, 11, 49-71, 1983.
Sucesso redeterminado
Redetermined Success
Valen M and Schulman A: Establishment of an implant selection protocol for predetermined success. Journal of Oral Implantology Vol XVI No 3 166-171, 1990.